CCS puts doctors and patients back in charge of their healthcare. Cancelled procedures, wasted OR time, and schedules disrupted at the whim of non-clinicians (or computers) frustrates doctors, administrators and patients. Administrators wait on hold for approvals that don't come on time, arbitrary denials, coding and billing rules that are ever-changing and indecipherable. We offer solutions.
Providers should not have to worry if they will ever get paid. Claims processes seem designed to ensure that you give up, and give in. Insurance companies don't always pay doctors what they agreed. CCS removes the doubt, shortens your revenue cycles and allows you to plan, and budget based on what you choose to do, not on whether someone on the other side of the world decides to pay you for it.
What if the patients knew they could see the best doctors, receive the best care, and not risk everything to do it? Patients who are hurt worry about missing work, losing jobs, homes, and life savings. They postpone care they need. They are scared to see doctors they never heard of, or have procedures they don't understand. Will they get better or end up even worse? Afraid the bills will pile up, they often choose no care, or the cheapest alternative. CCS provides doctors and patients the peace of mind to focus on clinical needs, with fewer worries.
Some of the best doctors in every community have had to make a difficult decision: turn away patients who need care because of how they got hurt, or because they didn't have the "right" insurance. Some insurance companies second guess doctors, and deny or restrict needed procedures, putting patients at risk. What if you could see those patients, who need your care - better care than they have access to but can't afford to pay? What if you didn't have to worry about how they got hurt, just how to make them feel better again?
Who decides what care is appropriate? The doctor and her patient. Who decides whether the doctor gets paid? A clerk. "Physicians are required to do everything that they believe may benefit each patient without regard to costs or other societal considerations..." Patients and Doctors - The Evolution of the Relationship, Truag, MD, N Engl J Med 2012, (quoting Dr. Norman Levinsky) We put doctors and patients BACK in charge of those decisions by ensuring the patient gets access to the care they need, and the provider doesn't have to worry about the risk of non-payment. Our solution: doctors and patients direct the care.
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